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Check 12 12 06, Clearance 1 11 07 - 未名空间精华区
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Check 12 12 06, Clearance 1 11 07

发信人: him (him), 信区: Visa
标 题: Check 12/12/06, Clearance 1/11/07
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 11 22:24:00 2007)

(Sorry I can not type Chinese here )

My husband and I applied H1, H4 on Dec.19, 2006, in Montreal. We got
clearance today 1/11/07 and were notified by the consulate to pick up the
visa tomorrow (1/12/07). Good luck to all who are still waiting for the

I want to share one of the most and maybe the most helpful information to

During these days (more than 3 weeks), we were really anxious. I called to
Washington D.C. almost everyday, especially from last week, I called almost
two to three times a day, to explain the hardship we have in Montreal (we
have a three years old son with us, staying in a temporary housing). Most
time, I got a reply ‘Sorry, it is still pending, normally it needs 4 weeks,
(or 6 weeks, or …) to finish, you have to wait. I can not do anything to
expedite the process.’ EXCEPT once (this Tuesday), a lady, who is so nice,
who spent more time for us to check, then told me that she will email to
another lady to check the status for us ( I really don’t know what the
other lady can do for us) . She told me that I can call back after two days
to check. Yesterday, I called three times, pending, today I called, still
pending. At the same time, there is a message to my cell phone, After the
call to DC, I checked my voice mail, the so-nice lady called me and told me
that our clearance have completed and sent to Montreal consulate already. We
can not believe it. The DC system has not updated yet, while the lady
called us to notify us.

So please keep calling them, you can find one who is so nice that she/he may
really help you. Also, relax yourself, the clearance should be soon.


※ 来源:·BBS 未名空间站 http://mitbbs.com·[FROM: 65.94.]


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